Thursday, September 25 2014
Hyatt Regency Hotel
5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA
"The EPO:
A Young Patent System Meets an Old Patent System"
SVIPLA is fortunate to have as its September program a presentation from three European Patent Office representatives. European Patent examiners, with vast experience in the fields of business methods and computer implemented inventions will provide you with a view of the European patent system, including a perspective of the area that is their everyday work. They will introduce the European Patent Office - what it is, what it does, and how a patent application becomes a patent. They will present the European Patent System, including some fundamental aspects of patentability. The borderline of patentability in computer-implemented inventions and business methods also will be addressed.
Alex Gardiner graduated in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from Aberdeen University, Scotland. After working in seismic surveying and as a radio operator telecoms/datacoms engineer on oil rigs, he joined the EPO at the end of 1990. From plugs to analogue amplifiers, to data storage and bus systems, he ended up working in the field now known as 'business methods' in 1998, just as the internet boom really took off. He was involved in developing the EPO response to an influx of applications and worked on many of the key cases which went on to the EPO appeals body, shaping EPO jurisprudence and practice. He is active in the advanced stages of training of both examiners and attorneys at the EPO.
Cristina Margarido has a degree in Electrotechnical and Computer Engineering, and a post-grad in Quantitative Methods in Management, both from the University of Porto. Since 2002 she has been working as a Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in Munich, in the areas of electronic commerce, payment systems and educational appliances. With particular expertise in the controversial area of non-patentable matter and the technical/non-technical assessment of CII (computer implemented inventions), She has authored two studies of EPO Board of Appeal decisions in these fields.
Luca Faló graduated magna cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome "La Sapienza” in February 2000, with a dissertation in Artificial Intelligence. After graduation, he joined the Italian Air Force as Engineering Officer (Lieutenant). Since 2002, he has been a Patent Examiner at the EPO, first in the Telecommunication cluster and then in Directorate 1958 (Business Methods/Computer implemented inventions). He took further studies in International Law and Comparative Law at the University of Trento, Italy, and passed the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) in 2010.
If you have problems registering for the September dinner meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at
DEADLINE FOR RESERVATION OR CANCELLATION: Tuesday noon, September 23, 2014. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.
REMINDER: Renewal or new SVIPLA memberships are now due - the membership year is September 2014 - June 2015. Please renew your membership at time of registering for the September dinner meeting or separately at
SVIPLA Tax ID#-77-0491659
MCLE: This event will qualify for 1 hour of CLE credit. The Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.