SVIPLA May Dinner Meeting
"Protecting Your IP Assets"
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Adobe Lodge, Santa Clara University
6:00 p.m. - Registration & Light Dinner Buffet
6:45 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Program
$25 per person
(2 hours CLE credit)
Thank you to our co-sponsor:

Please join us for our
two moderated panel sessions:
Panel 1: 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Realistic IP Protection: Maximize a Limited IP Budget
John Cabeca, Director, Silicon Valley USPTO
Kevin Jakel, Founder and CEO, Unified Patents Inc.
Meredith McKenzie, Deputy GC of IP, Juniper Networks
Cliff Liu, Partner, Foley & Lardner
Simon Elliott, Foley & Lardner
Panel 2: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Leveraging the Patent Trial and Appeal Board Programs:
Matt Clements, Lead Administrative Patent Judge, PTAB
Paul Simboli, VP and Chief Patent Counsel, Depomed
Stephen Maebius, Partner, Foley & Lardner
Andrew Baluch, Partner, Foley &Lardner
Andrew Baluch (moderator): Andrew is the vice chair of the Foley & Lardner Patent Office Trials Group, and is a member of the firm’s China practice. Prior to joining Foley, Andrew was director of international IP enforcement in the White House Office of the IP Enforcement Coordinator. Previously, Andrew was an expert legal advisor to the under secretary and director of the USPTO, and participated in numerous trade missions to China, drafted regulations, and advised the director on IP litigation. Andrew began his legal career as a law clerk to Judge Richard Linn (CAFC) and as an associate at Foley. Andrew holds a BS and MS in materials science engineering (Northwestern), with graduate research in the area of nanotechnology, and a JD (Boston U.).
John Cabeca: John is the director of the Silicon Valley USPTO. John is a 25-year veteran of the USPTO, and most recently served as the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO. John began his career at the USPTO as a patent examiner, then progressed to supervisory patent examiner and then patent technology center director over the semiconductor and electrical systems technologies. John holds a BS in electrical engineering (Widener U.). He has served in the Office of Petitions, the Office of Patent Legal Administration, the Office of Governmental Affairs and the Office of the Under Secretary. He was appointed a Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellow, and served on special assignment to the Executive Office of the President in the United States Trade Representative's Office.
Matt Clements: Matt is lead administrative patent judge on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). He joined the PTAB from Silicon Valley in March 2013. Previously, Matt was a patent attorney at Ropes & Gray for nearly seven years. Matt holds a BS in electrical engineering (Auburn), an MS in electrical engineering (U. of Washington), and a JD (Columbia).
Simon Elliott: Simon is an attorney in the Chemical, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Practice and a member of the Energy Industry Team at Foley & Lardner. Prior to his legal career, Simon was a member of the faculty at the Johns Hopkins Medical School, and a post-doctoral fellow for the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Simon’s scientific career focused on bacterial pathogenesis. Simon holds BS degrees in both microbiology and organic chemistry (U. of Western Australia), a PhD in microbiology and molecular biology (U. of Western Australia), and a JD (Georgetown).
Kevin Jakel: Kevin is the founder and CEO of Unified Patents. Unified Patents employs a multi-faceted NPE-deterrent solution that attacks the NPE problem at its source, by proactively deterring NPEs from approaching strategic technology sectors. Unified Patents provides this solution to operating companies of all sizes. Previously, Kevin was head of IP litigation at Intuit, following years of litigation and patent prosecution at Kay Scholer and Howrey. Prior to becoming an attorney, Kevin was an engineer at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, and then became a patent examiner. Kevin holds a BS in mechanical engineering (UCLA) and a JD (George Washington).
Cliff Liu (moderator): Cliff is a partner in Foley & Lardner’s Electronics Patent Group, where he handles patent matters spanning a wide array of technologies, including materials science, nanotechnology, polymers, semiconductors, MEMS, medical devices, bioinformatics, analytical instruments, graphics hardware and software, and clean technologies such as batteries, biofuels, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, solar cells, solid-state lighting, and water purification technologies. Prior to joining Foley, Cliff was a partner at Cooley. Cliff holds a BS in chemistry (UCLA), a PhD in physical chemistry (MIT), and a JD (Stanford).
Stephen Maebius: Steve is a partner in Foley & Lardner’s IP team, where he was previously on the management committee, and was a chair of the IP department. Steve has extensive experience in inter partes reviews, litigation, reexaminations, interferences, and pharmaceutical patent term extensions. Steve has served as a visiting associate professor of IP law at Tokyo University’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and as a faculty adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School. He testified about post-grant patent proceedings during the FTC/DOJ hearings on the “Implications of Competition and Patent Law and Policy,” which preceded the America Invents Act. Steve holds a BS in biology (Cornell) and a JD (George Washington).
Meredith McKenzie: Meredith is VP and Deputy General Counsel at Juniper Networks, with seventeen years of experience as an in-house attorney at Juniper, Symantec (senior director of IP), Cypress (director of legal), and Enuvis (corporate counsel and director of IP). She additionally had several years of experience as patent agent/attorney at law firms such as Howrey, Arnold White & Durkee, and Blakely Sokoloff Taylor and Zafman. Prior to her legal career, Meredith was a design engineer for embedded microprocessors at Intel, and then was a patent prosecution law clerk at Intel. Meredith holds a BS in electrical engineering (MIT) and a JD (Santa Clara U.). Meredith is a named inventor on two patents.
Paul Simboli: Paul is VP and chief patent counsel at Depomed. Paul was previously an in-house IP attorney for several years at Five Prime Therapeutics, and at ALSA Pharmaceuticals / Johnson and Johnson. He additionally has several years of experience at law firms Mueting Raasch and Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner & Kluth. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Paul was a scientist at Letterman Army Institute of Research, a research scientist at Chiron Corp., and a patent agent at Chiron. Paul holds a BS in chemistry (Bowling Green), was a PhD candidate in biochemistry (Ohio State), and holds a JD (Golden Gate University).