SVIPLA December 2017 Program:
“Section 101 - Before and After Alice and Prometheus”
Holiday Gathering | Inventor of the Year Presentation
Special Guest: John Cabeca, Director, USPTO-Silicon Valley
Online Registration Closed.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel, Palo Alto
6:00 p.m. – Registration, Networking and Cocktails
6:45 p.m. – Holiday Dinner
7:15 p.m.-8:30 p.m. – Program & Inventor of the Year Presentation
Please join SVIPLA at its annual Holiday gathering
for a timely program and Inventor of the Year presentation.
(Door prizes too.)
Thank you to our sponsor:

The Program: "Section 101 - Before and After Alice and Prometheus"
Although the Supreme Court's changes to the law of patentable subject matter have caused great disruption within the patent community, little work has been done to isolate and contextualize the impact of the Court's decisions, relative to other parts of the code, and to the prosecution of parallel cases in other jurisdictions. Professor Colleen Chien, Santa Clara University School of Law, will present new research that addresses these issues and attempts to cut through the fog over patentability that has descended following the Court's decisions.
Presenter: Colleen V. Chien is an Associate Professor at Santa Clara University School of Law where she teaches, writes, and mentors students. From 2013-2015 she served in the Obama White House as a Senior Advisor, Intellectual Property and Innovation, working on a broad range of patent, copyright, technology transfer, open innovation, educational innovation, and other issues. Professor Chien is nationally known for her research and publications on domestic and international patent law and policy issues.
Inventor of the Year Presentation:
SVIPLA is pleased to present its 40th Annual Inventor of the Year award to Lee-Lean Shu at the December 14 Holiday Dinner.
Lee-Lean Shu co-founded GSI Technology in March 1995, and has served as CEO, President, and board member since its inception. Recognizing the rapid-evolving and unmet need for extremely high performance RAM in critical areas, Lee-Lean spearheaded GSI Technology’s pioneering development and creation of the broadest portfolio of “Very Fast” SRAM products now available in the field. As a result of Mr. Shu’s inventions, GSI’s memory products include the highest transaction rates, highest density, lowest latency, highest bandwidth, fastest clock access times, and lowest power consumption in the industry.
From the outset, Lee-Lean and GSI have been on the forefront in developing and continually releasing the fastest memory products in kind. Among many other examples, GSI’s SigmaQuad-II+ product operated at the yet-unattained speed of 500 Mhz and highest density of 288Mb, on release. The speed, density, and other unmatched operating parameters of this product were a direct result of numerous inventions by Mr. Shu and others at GSI, such as those embodied in Lee-Lean’s U.S. patent Nos. 8,400,200, 8,488,408, 8,575,982, 9,053,768 and 9,159,391.
Similarly, among comparative parallel interface memory products, GSI’s products have consistently operated faster and performed better than competitors via incorporation of Lee-Lean’s U.S. patent Nos. 8,593,860, 8,693,236, 9,135,986 and 9,385,032.
Further, as recognized by others in the industry, GSI’s memory products have invariably performed best in class. For example, GSI’s SigmaQuad-IVe SRAM introduced in 2015 has a maximum transaction rate of 2.67 GA/s (GigaAccess per second), which still possesses the highest speed of any SRAM product existing today.
Mr. Shu is honored to receive the Silicon Valley Inventor of the Year, and, on a personal note, he wishes to thank the officers, managers, and engineers that he has been graced to work with over the years. He especially extends his most gracious thanks and love to his wife for her support and patience over the years, without which none of his success would have been possible.
Today, as a result of continuing innovation by Mr. Shu and his engineering teams, GSI continues to be a technology leader in memory products both in density and performance. Stay tuned for further developments from GSI is this quickly-evolving field!
If you have problems registering for the December meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at
DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION OR CANCELLATION: Tuesday noon, December 12, 2017. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.
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MCLE: An application requesting MCLE credit for this activity is pending for approval by the State Bar of California.