Monday, June 9, 2014
Crowne Plaza Cabana Hotel
4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto
USPTO Commissioner for Patents,
Former USPTO Commissioner for Patents
& Patent Properties, Inc. CEO
Discuss NPEs/PAEs/Trolls Initiatives
6:00-7:00 p.m.-Registration/no-host cocktails
7:00 p.m. - Dinner and program
SVIPLA is pleased to have Park IP
as our sponsor for the June meeting.

Park IP provides complete translation services in more than 125 languages and filing-ready documentation into more than 60 countries. They are a leader in patent prosecution and validation, litigation language services, E-Discovery translation and document review, patent translation and filing, and also provide general legal services for all types of corporate and legal documents.
SVIPLA is pleased to have Peggy Focarino, USPTO Commissioner for Patents, Robert Stoll, former USPTO Commissioner for Patents and Jon Ellenthal, Patent Properties, Inc. CEO, as our panelists for the June 9th dinner meeting. We hope you can join us for this timely program. Andy Schwaab, DLA Piper LLP, will be the moderator.
Margaret (Peggy) Focarino is Commissioner for Patents for the USPTO.
She was appointed to this position in January 2012. In her role as Commissioner, Ms. Focarino manages and leads the Patent Organization as the chief operating officer. She is responsible for the management and direction of all aspects of this organization which affect the administration of patent operations, examination policy, resources and planning, and budget administration. She previously served as Deputy Commissioner for Patents, providing administrative oversight to nine Patent Technology Centers and coordinating the activities of patent application examination and reissues of patents.
Robert Stoll is a partner on Drinker Biddle’s Patent team and co-chair of the Intellectual Property Practice Group in Washington, D.C. He retired from the USPTO as Commissioner for Patents at the end of 2011 after a distinguished 34-year government career. He was instrumental in the passage of landmark patent legislation, the America Invents Act, and lauded for his efforts to reduce patent pendency and improve patent quality. Having risen from the rank of examiner to lead the 8,000-employee organization, he has spent his career improving the intellectual property system.
Jon Ellenthal is the Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of
Patent Properties in New York, which develops and commercializes patents and other intellectual property assets created by Walker Digital, LLC, the research and development lab founded and led by internationally recognized inventor and entrepreneur Jay Walker. He is also the President of TEDMED, LLC and a partner in the company, which runs an annual innovation summit for health and medicine. For the past five years, he has served as the CEO of Walker Digital, with responsibility for all business operations, research and development, and IP portfolio licensing. He also oversaw finance, legal and administration.
If you have problems registering for the June dinner meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at
DEADLINE FOR RESERVATION OR CANCELLATION: Friday noon, June 6, 2014. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.
SVIPLA Tax ID#-77-0491659
MCLE: This event will qualify for 1 hour of CLE credit. The Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.