"Unlocking the USPTO Patent Examination System and Current Programs and Initiatives"
Online Registration Closed.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Crowne Plaza Hotel4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto(just north of San Antonio Road)
6:00 p.m. - Registration, networking, cocktails 6:30 p.m. - Buffet Supper7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Program
The United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) uses a production-based system made up of “counts” to manage the workload of patent examiners. While this quota system seems simplistic in nature, it offers a number of nuances and examination considerations impacting how an application fares through the examination process. Having a better understanding of this system can help practitioners provide a more cost-effective solutions for their clients.
The panel, including Andrew Koenig, USPTO Regional Assistant Director, and Aaron Capron, Partner, Finnegan, will review these and other key issues:
If you have problems registering for the April meeting and want to make a reservation, please email Casey at caseymj10@hotmail.com.
DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION OR CANCELLATION: Tuesday noon, April 25, 2017. Online registration automatically closes at that time - please make your reservation online by the deadline as there are only a few extra spaces allotted at the meeting for walk-ins. The venue may not be able to serve meals beyond the guaranteed number expected for the meeting.
SVIPLA Tax ID#-77-0491659
MCLE: This event will qualify for 1 hour of CLE credit. The Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider.
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